October 9, 2009


Educated Women are Stupid(ees)

You heard me!

Alright, so maybe I should put this one into context, lest people think I'm a self-hating female or some kind of subservient wench or something. I haz a friend, we shall call her Madame "X". A well educated woman, gorgeous, eloquent, well read, somewhat capricious, compassionate and on her way to forging a most formidable career. She's been there, done that, and has put forward a most distressing theory, to which I have no argument.

In the realm of relationships, when it comes to men(
or even other women), educated women are often reduced to the level of village idiots. I usually claim youth and naivete at once, although, it doesn't leave me completely out of the running. Why ladies, do our brains cease to function with regards to matters of the heart?

Now, Madame "X" has come to her conclusion by way of scientific method. She has taken a sample of subjects, created a hypothesis, observed, analyzed results and come to some sort of conclusion. Basically, birds of a feather flock together (or the village idiots will congregate), and so she is surrounded by other educated and intelligent females. NB. Not always one and de same. We have all been the shoulder to cry on and her data during these episodes, was piling up.

The horror stories are unimaginable. Who's been cheated on, who never know bout no marriage, who discover infidelity after a pickney appear, who get lash, who put sponge cake in front of corbeaux and th
e list goes on. But the trend is quite evident. These strong, intelligent women, tend to run back, begging for more. What the hell is it? In my opinion, the totee could never be that sweet. Yet there we are, running in droves to be illtreated by a grap of undeserving men.

Is it that we don't percieve strength in simplicity?
Is it that we think assholedness = fun and games?
We're into Masochism?
Oestrogen messes with proper brain function?

After a hard day's work of thinking and other stressful activites, when it comes to our personal lives we are all mentally taxed?
The totee is really that sweet?
We interact with other intelligent women so often that we think men will react just like we do?
We are dominant creatures who need some sort of subservient role in life, and sinc
e we have brains, that leaves our love lives?
The totee really is that sweet?

I doh know. I too have fallen victim to it on more than one occasion. And while I cannot posit another theory or even attempt an explanation; I can provide a solution.

Ladies, we should all migrate to the hills and find a good farmer who will take care of us, call us his queen and only ask that we help him plant peas every once in a while.

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Love d Plant Peas link and d GRAP link.
Hmmm... The underlying assumption in this 'thesis' is that educated women are somehow more equipped to deal with abuse than are less educated women and this...is a myth. It is a fact that educational status has little to no impact on the 'type' of women who are abused. ALL women are abused. So the more important question maybe - What does these women or rather all women have in common? Living in a (patriarchal) world, where all women are subjected to sexism, misogyny, marginalisation and oppression, it is not a far stretch to assume that all women suffer from an inferiority complex at some point and in some aspect of their life. The sad reality of women accepting the 'bad behaviours' of men should not encourage the reduction of others(educated vs uneducated)but rather be a point to unite women and encourage comradry and support to undo the damage done by broken relationships. Let us as women remind eachother of our worth,strength and resillience.


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